On Feb 2, 2005, at 12:00 AM, David J Radunz wrote:
Have you tried to freeze your object and then thaw it on retrieve?

perl -MCPAN -e install Storable
perldoc Storable

On Feb 2, 2005, at 12:28 AM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
Yes, you put any object in Apache::Session as long as it can be handled by Storable. You'll need to tell us what you tried and what didn't work about it before we can help you more.

I never thought of using storable.
I haven't actually done much work w/cookies and perl before
I thought i could just place an object in the tied session variable and voila!

I'll try some session storable stuff now --

I'm basically trying to store the UserProfile object into the session, so I can use the methods I've made to access data in it rather than accessing the data directly (ideally, so that less things break in the future)

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