On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Denis Banovic wrote:

> Hi Leo,
> I have a very similar app running in mod_perl with about 1/2 mio hits a day. 
> I need to do some optimisation, so I'm just interessted what optimisations 
> that you are using brought you the best improvements.
> Was it preloading modules in the startup.pl or caching the 1x1 gif image, or 
> maybe optimising the database cache ( I'm using mysql ).
> I'm sure you are also having usage peaks, so it would be interessting how 
> many hits(inserts)/hour can a single server  machine handle approx.

Simplest thing to do is hijack the referer logs, and then parse
them at the end. You just need to add a unique ID for each session
(via a cookie or in the URL) which is added to the logs [or placed
in a standard logged variable]

Then write a parser which tracks usage - using referer + page viewed
If you don't want to rely on referers then you could encrypt this in
the URL... (but watch out for search engines who could hammer your site!!)


> Thanks
> Denis
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Leo Lapworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Gesendet: Freitag, 4. Februar 2005 10:37
> An: ben syverson
> Cc: modperl@perl.apache.org
> Betreff: Re: Logging user's movements
> H
> On 4 Feb 2005, at 08:13, ben syverson wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm curious how the "pros" would approach an interesting system design
> > problem I'm facing. I'm building a system which keeps track of user's
> > movements through a collection of information (for the sake of
> > argument, a Wiki). For example, if John moves from the "dinosaur" page
> > to the "bird" page, the system logs it -- but only once a day per
> > connection between nodes per user. That is, if Jane then travels from
> > "dinosaur" to "bird," it will log it, but if "John" travels moves back
> > to "dinosaur" from "bird," it won't be logged. The result is a log of
> > every unique connection made by every user that day.
> >
> > The question is, how would you do this with the least amount of strain
> > on the server?
> >
> I think the standard approach for user tracking is a 1x1 gif, there are
> lots of ways of doing it, here are 2:
> Javascript + Logs - update tracking when logs are processed
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> Use javascript to set a cookie (session or 24 hours) - if there isn't
> already one. Then use javascript to do a document write to the gif.
> so /tracker/c.gif?c=<user_session_id>&page=dinosaur
> It should then be fast (no live processing) and fairly easy to extract
> this information from the logs and into a db.
> Mod_perl - live db updates
> -------------------------------------
> Alternatively if you need live updates create a mod_perl handle that
> sits at /tracker/c.gif, processes the parameters and puts them into a
> database, then returns a gif (I do this, read the gif in and store it
> as a global when the module starts so it just stays in memory). It's
> fast and means you can still get the benefits of caching with squid or
> what ever.
> I get about half a million hits a day to my gif.
> I think the main point is you should separate it from your main content
> handler if you want it to be flexible and still allow other levels of
> caching.
> Cheers
> Leo
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