I've been doing this with mod_perl 2.. here's the relative parts of my
  Alias /dav_files /home/users

  # hook into the other phases for
  <Location /dav_files>
        PerlOutputFilterHandler MyEncrypt::output
        PerlInputFilterHandler  MyEncrypt::input

        PerlSetOutputFilter     DEFLATE

        # Request Phase Handlers
        PerlAuthenHandler        MyAuthenticate

        AuthType basic
        AuthName "xxx"
        Require valid-user
        Satisfy all

  # Actual access to the files.... use will be already authenticated
  <Directory /home/users/*/>
        AllowOverride   None
        DAV on

Hope this helps.

To the list:
My encryption is proprietary based on the PW the user sends... anyone know a
tested symmetric streaming (not block) encryption algoritm?


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 9:11 AM
To: modperl@perl.apache.org
Subject: Intercepting with data for mod_dav

Hi list,
I'm struggeling a bit with the following :
I set a mod_dav DAV server, which works fine.
One thing I *must* accomplish, is to write the
uploaded files encrypted in some way to the disk,
and publish them back unencrypted.
That should be perfectly possible with
apache's filters.
The problem seems to be, that mod_perl doesn't see
anything if dav is set to on on a specific dir ?
Is that true ?
What I need is small (very small) hint, how to get the data
that the PUT and GET requests offer, or if this
is possible at all.

Thx in advance,

Stefan Sonnenberg

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