
I have a few custom modules that work nicely in a standalone SOAP::Lite
server. After deciding we needed the performance boost of moving it to
mod_perl 2, we have encountered some issues.

I am getting this error in the apache error_log:

DBI connect('','username',...) failed: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate (check
ORACLE_HOME and NLS settings etc.) at /usr/lp/lib/AMS/DB.pm line 32

This is in spite of having:

PerlSetVar ORACLE_HOME "/path"
PerlSetVar TWO_TASK "sidname"

In the perl block of the httpd.conf, in fact, dumping %ENV reveals they
are both set to the correct values.

SOAP::Lite is the latest version + patches from Randy Kobes (porting
SOAP::Lite to MP2):


Any clues?

Thanks in advance,

Juan Natera

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