On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 14:56 -0500, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> Re: On Feb 11, 2005, at 2:04 PM, Pratik wrote:
> 1. How is mod_perl compared to PHP/JSP ? And how for certain type of
> applications - where people would choose between PHP and JSP - or
> think about migrating from PHP to JSP - they have a better and easy to
> implement alternative available - mod_perl
> I think that would be great for some sort of evangelical presentation.
> To go a step further, it would be nice to  see that along with several 
> approaches to the same application.
> As a bad example, take a form submission & validation -- show it in 
> php, jsp, and different approaches via  mod_perl (ie, a 
> templatetoolkit/mason approach, maybe a strong mvc approach, and 
> something else).
> I know from experience that doing something in mod_perl is most 
> difficult not in execution, but planning the approach.

If your goal is to convince people to switch to mod_perl, I don't think
this will work very well.  People choose platforms for practical
reasons, the most common being that they already have employees who know
that platform.  Relative ease of parsing a form has little to do with
it, especially since that sort of thing is easy on basically every
platform now.

If you'd like to discuss more about what would work better for
evangelizing, I'd suggest moving the discussion to the mod_perl advocacy
mailing list.

- Perrin

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