> I'm transitioning to developing using Apache::Test and like it.  It's a
> different style of developing.
> Have you looked at the apache test docs?
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/general/testing/testing.html

see also


for a kinder, gentler introduction that leaves many of the more gory (but
cool and important) details out :)

> Stealing tests from other projects is often suggested.  The mod perl 2
> test suite is a good place to look.

yes, as is the t/ directory of the perl-framework:


I have yet to find some aspect of apache that I needed to test that wasn't
in there.

> Can anyone suggest any other Apache modules that might have a rich testing
> suite from which to steal testing ideas?

most of my more recent apache-based modules on cpan use Apache-Test


Apache-SSLLookup is kinda interesting as it combines both client and
server-side tests (or unit tests and function tests if you want to look at
it that way) - it unit tests the API from the server side but includes
client-side function tests to make sure that the API, when implemented, does
what it is supposed to.

Apache-Clean and Apache-IncludeHook have some interesting uses of
t_write_perl_script() and t_write_file() that might be helpful as well.

you can also check out the code from a tutorial I gave at ApacheCon 2004


I know Jim was present for the tutorial, but just in case others weren't,
there is some interesting stuff in there if you want to use Apache-Test to
test Apache C extension modules.  there is also


for those perl folks who are forced to use php ;)

> Also, a few weeks ago Stas mentioned an Apache::Test mailing list,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I joined that list and tried to post a
> question, but it didn't post.  Anyone know if that list is working?

it's [EMAIL PROTECTED] and should be ok.


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