For the record, and those that haven't seen CGI::Capture before (I wrote it only fairly recently) all it really does is grab the environment and a couple of magic variable values, then take STDIN before gets a chance to parse it.

These bits are all stored in an object, which is just Storable'd to disk.

Rebuilding simple consists of setting the environment back again, and replacing STDIN with a IO::Scalar to the previously captured data.


David Naughton wrote:
Has anyone implemented the equivalent of CGI::Capture for
Apache::Request? If not, I may want to implement it myself. However, I'm
fairly new to mod_perl, so maybe there's a completely different and
better way to solve my problem, in which case I would appreciate some

My problem is that I need to interact with a single sign-on system that
runs on a different server. If the user must authenticate, my server
must redirect the user to a login application on the SSO server, which,
upon successful login, will redirect the user back to whatever uri she
was originally trying to access on my server. I want to do this in a way
that is transparent to the user, even if she was uploading a file at the
time of the redirect.

Under CGI, I don't think just saving the CGI object will work for file
uploads, but it seems that saving a CGI::Capture object will work just
fine. Is there a similar, already-existing solution for Apache::Request?
Or would I be better off pursuing a different solution, anyway?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you,
David Naughton

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