On Mar 3, 2005, at 11:29 AM, Richard F. Rebel wrote:
The module I wrote is owned by my prior employer, sorry.  I don't know
of any other module either.  It wasn't that hard to write tho.

The part about timing of connections is relatively simple as well, if
you don't get X bytes over X amount of time, the connection is too slow.
If you don't get ANY bytes over N amount of time, connection is dead/too
slow. Stuff like that. In apache 1.3 you can use alarm and/or selects.
In Apache2 with a threaded mpm you are limited to selects.

Thinking about this more, I flipped though both mod_perl books and talked to some friends.
The cookbook kind of touches on this in a recipe for timing requests -- and I started working on that.

Then i realized that this shouldn't be something that is specific to modperl, but really anything under apache (because yes, i do run some python, php, and cgi stuff) -- so I'm looking at non-mod-perl options to handle this. I've spoken to folks at modsecurity , and they're going to look into putting something like that in a future release.

in the meantime, in addition to my poorly coded handler for this purpose, i'm going to throw in some sqlite logging to try and find 'larger problems' and patterns.

That leaves me with one last question -- does anyone know how to trap the error when POST_MAX is reached?

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