Formhandle wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

Please upgrade first to the latest mod_perl (2.0.0-RC4 or 1.999.21) and then try again:

I tried but the PPM package was not available anywhere. I don't have the capacity to compile this stuff myself. I tried manually getting the latest from CPAN but it's all source and I kept running into compile/install issues.

If you could perhaps point me to a binary version compatible with 5.6.x that is actually available somewhere for download, I would be most appreciative.

has it to be perl 5.6.x? We are now at 5.8.6. You can get it from and then you can get the ppms as described in the URL above.

Please keep in mind I'm a self-taught programmer and, contrary to common perception, this mod_perl stuff is not the easiest thing in the world to install and keep in sync with Apache. I would love to be up-to-date with the latest and greatest if there were a simple and non-convoluted way to do so.

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