Hi Perrin, thanks very much for your reply.

This is all I have in the config file

PerlFreshRestart        On
PerlRequire             /usr/local/site/libperl/startup_for_proxy.pl
PerlFixupHandler        Apache::SizeLimit
#PerlCleanupHandler      Apache::SizeLimit
PerlTransHandler        My::setupVhost
PerlLogHandler          My::Logger

where setupVhost is a routine that lookup a local BerkelyDB and setup the DocuemtnRoot based on the incomming hostname.

My::Logger is a very short and simple routine that capture return from our CGI script, usually detail about what this action the particular request is for, we use it for debugging.

Is there anything in these 2 functions that can possibly do something to the cleanup handler?

Many thanks.


Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 17:24 +0800, victor wrote:

I have been using SizeLimit with FixupHandler since day one and it has been working wonderful, recently I noticed the documention have been changed now the CleanupHandler become the prefered choice of handler to handle SizeLimit.

It still does the same thing it always did, i.e. if you use any phase other than cleanup it just pushes a cleanup handler to run at the end of the request. That seemed pointless to me, so I changed the documentation.

I didn't have to wait very long, only after an hour or so, I start getting report that the box is acting 'funny', it starts rejecting requests and checking the log it seems some of the variables in the script being call, seems to be returning undefined.

I can't think of any reason that change would make a difference. Do you have something else that might be trying to set a cleanup handler?

- Perrin

                          Development Engineer
                          Outblaze Ltd

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