
After installing mod_perl, I saw the following errors in t/logs/error_log:

Please tell me if these are fatal errors and if they won't let mod_perl run

Thank you

END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=13062
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:23 2005] [notice] Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) world domination
series/2.0 PHP/5.0.2 mod_perl/1.999.21 Perl/v5.8.4 configured -- resuming
normal operations
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:23 2005] [info] Server built: Dec  8 2004 15:21:10
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:23 2005] [debug] prefork.c(955): AcceptMutex: sysvsem
(default: sysvsem)

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [info] [client] TestAPI::aplog test in

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
This log message comes with no header

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [debug]
log_serror test 1

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [debug]
(20014)Error string not specified yet: log_serror test 2

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [crit] [client] (20007)No time was
provided and one was required.: log_rerror test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [error] $r->log_error test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [error] $s->log_error test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [error] access to /TestAPI__aplog failed for, reason: $r->log_reason test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [error] access to filename failed for,
reason: $r->log_reason filename test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [debug]
TestAPI::aplog test done
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [notice] [client] This message should
appear with LogLevel=error!

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [warn] $s->warn test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [warn] Apache::ServerRec::warn test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [warn] Apache::ServerRec::warn test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:36 2005] [warn] warn test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:52:45 2005] [error] Process 13104 terminates itself\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:16 2005] [error] Apache::log_error test ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:16 2005] [warn] Apache->warn ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:16 2005] [warn] Apache::warn ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:16 2005] [warn] Apache::Server->warn ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:16 2005] [warn] Apache::Server::warn ok

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:39 2005] [error] [client] APR::Socket::recv:
(11) Resource temporarily unavailable at
line 132

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:39 2005] [error] [client] Undefined subroutine
&TestError::runtime::no_such_func called at
line 126.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:39 2005] [error] [client] APR::Socket::recv:
(11) Resource temporarily unavailable at
line 132\n\tTestError::runtime::mp_error('APR::Socket=SCALAR(0xaea0494)')
called at
AR(0xaea6330)', 'APR::Socket=SCALAR(0xaea0494)') called at
called at -e line 0\n\teval {...} called at -e line 0\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:39 2005] [error] [client] Undefined subroutine
&TestError::runtime::no_such_func called at
called at
SCALAR(0xad0e648)', 'APR::Socket=SCALAR(0xad42d2c)') called at
called at -e line 0\n\teval {...} called at -e line 0\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:39 2005] [error] [client] custom die hook:
APR::Socket::recv: (11) Resource temporarily unavailable at
line 132 at
line 63.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:39 2005] [error] [client] custom die hook:
Undefined subroutine &TestError::runtime::no_such_func called at
line 126.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:39 2005] [error] [client] failed to resolve
handler `TestError::syntax': syntax error at
line 17, near "\\;"\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 172) line 3.\n

*** The following 2 error entries are expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:46 2005] [error] [client] This filter must die
line 26.\n
[Mon Mar 07 11:53:46 2005] [error] [client]
Apache::RequestIO::read: (120001) filter handler has failed at
line 41

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:54:19 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist:

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:54:42 2005] [error] [client] need AuthName:

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:54:44 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist:

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:54:44 2005] [error] [client] Died at
line 24.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
Argument "foobar" isn't numeric.

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
Argument "foo9bar" isn't numeric.

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Mon Mar 07 11:55:07 2005] [error] [client] user stas:
authentication failure for "/": Password Mismatch
[Mon Mar 07 11:55:10 2005] [info] Child process pid=13070 is exiting
END in TestModperl::print, pid=13070
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=13070
[Mon Mar 07 11:55:10 2005] [info] Child process pid=13071 is exiting
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=13071
[Mon Mar 07 11:55:10 2005] [info] Child process pid=13456 is exiting
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=13456
[Mon Mar 07 11:55:10 2005] [info] removed PID file
/home/teddy/.cpan/build/mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4/t/logs/httpd.pid (pid=13066)
[Mon Mar 07 11:55:10 2005] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=13066

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