Chris Warren wrote:
-------------8<---------- Start Bug Report ------------8<----------
1. Problem Description:

I believe I've found a bug in Apache::Reload. It shows up when you're
using the ReloadTouchFile option -- the effect is that the server gives
you a 500 error when the touchfile has not been modified. I believe this
is a result of the following code:

I suspect this problem would happen on Linux as well, but I'm
encountering it on a Windows machine. This is using Apache 2.0.53 and
Apache::Reload 0.09. (Apache::Reload was installed by Activestate's PPM
tool as part of mod_perl 2.0.0-RC4).

I believe the problem is the same as described in revision 69750
(, where the code
was returning 1 instead of an Apache constant.

Here's the code that I believe is responsible:

 96    if ($TouchFile) {
 97        warn "Checking mtime of $TouchFile\n" if $DEBUG;
 98        my $touch_mtime = (stat $TouchFile)[9] || return 1;
 99        return 1 unless $touch_mtime > $TouchTime;
100        $TouchTime = $touch_mtime;
101        open my $fh, $TouchFile or die "Can't open '$TouchFile': $!";
102        $TouchModules = <$fh>;
103        chomp $TouchModules if $TouchModules;
104    }

When I replaced "return 1" on line 99 with "return Apache::OK", the
modules I was using ran successfully, without the 500 error.

(I don't know whether or not the "return 1" on line 98 should also be

Absolutely right, Chris: both should be return Apache::OK. Care to post a patch here after you've tested it? (since we don't have a test for it, at least not yet)

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