
Is it possible to upgrade mod_perl from (if I remember well the
number) to the latest version?

Or do I need to remove the old version and install the newest one?

I have a problem with a program (presa.industrialit.ro) because sometimes it
works, I can view a page, click a link view the second page, click another
link and view the third page and so on, but if I want to refresh the page
(f5 or Control+F5) gives me an error telling that the file index.html cannot
be found. The single index.html is a TT2 template but it is there with no

If I close the browser and try to view that page imediately, it gives me the
same error, but if I wait a little and try again to see it, the page is
shown fine.

Sometimes it doesn't give any error, but it just doesn't display anything in
the browser, no matter how many times I refresh the page.

It is very very strange, and I think I might have a problem with mod_perl,
because the site runs under mod_perl.

The same program works fine under Windows with no errors.

I run Apache 2.050 under SuSE with the web server, perl 5.8.5 and mod_perl
as they are installed by default.

Do you know an idea what could be the problem? Have you heard about this
kind of issues of pages that can be viewd fine for some times, then they
don't want to collaborate for a while?


Thank you.


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