i fear that i'm going to want backport to RC4 soon...

I keep getting this error on the 'make test'

osx 10.3.8
perl Makefile.PL APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

(mp1 worked fine)

waiting 120 seconds for server to start: .[Mon Apr 11 19:06:00 2005] [info] 6 Apache2:: modules loaded
[Mon Apr 11 19:06:00 2005] [info] 0 APR:: modules loaded
[Mon Apr 11 19:06:00 2005] [info] base server + 27 vhosts ready to run tests
........................................................................ .................................................
waiting 120 seconds for server to start: not ok
[ error] giving up after 121 secs. If you think that your system
is slow or overloaded try again with a longer timeout value.
by setting the environment variable APACHE_TEST_STARTUP_TIMEOUT
to a high value (e.g. 420) and repeat the last command.

[  error] server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log)
| Please file a bug report: |
make: *** [run_tests] Error 1

t/logs/error_log says:
END in, pid=5152
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/Test/ line 31.

does anyone have a suggestion?

On Apr 11, 2005, at 7:04 PM, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

jonathan vanasco wrote:
does anyone know if libaprq needs to be rebuilt? or will it work ?
No it will not.
You'll need to for the time being check it out via SVN, but not the trunk, the branch multi-env-unstable. I just compiled it and made it all the way. I've done much tests yet... But I'll get too soonish.

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