On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 14:05 -0400, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> How do people usually handle searches and redirects?
> IE - someone searches for something, you process the search, and if 
> there's one record, you redirect them to that record.
> Except, in that situation, the browser 'location' will still be for the 
> search page.
> Would it be best to create a new url via r->uri and send the use to 
> that/
> or to send a location header to redirect that way?
> or maybe there's a way to process things internally, then just show a 
> diff. location in the header bar

There are only two options: internal redirect, which does not change the
URL from the user's perspective, or a "normal" redirect using a Location
header, which does change the URL.  If you want the URL changed, use the

- Perrin

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