A simple call to set_login_cookie.html from a browser
causes a segmentation fault and generates the
following message in my apache error log:

[notice] child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)


 my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new
     ( $r,
       -name  => 'tapeonline_user_login',
       -value => 123456,
       -path  => '/'

calls to any other webpage on my webserver works
perfectly fine. and yes, i have tried 
$r->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie'=>$cookie) too,
still no luck. i've also read somewhere that
Apache::Cookie's bake() method is buggy.

i'm at my wits end. do u know what i could be doing

i'm using apache 2.0.53, mod_perl 2.0-rc4 and
html::mason 1.28 on a debian 3.0 system.

Thanks in advance.


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