On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 11:30, Devin Murphy wrote:
> I'm trying to implement abstract URL / URI calls.
> For my htdocs directory (and .html files), the
> MultiViews option works fine.  For example,
> http://localhost/address will resolve to its
> respective html file.
> No such luck when I'm trying to get Apache to resolve
> .pl files.  For example, http://localhost/perl/counter
> gives me a 404 error.  (The full path,
> http://localhost/perl/counter.pl, works right)
> The idea is to hide the .pl extension from average
> users / links / &c.
> I've set up a simple Location tag:
> <Location /perl>
>    SetHandler perl-script
>    PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
>    Options +ExecCGI
>    PerlSendHeader On
> </Location>
> And it seems like MultiViews option causes problems
> with the scripts (it denies access / 403 error).
> Also no luck setting up a typemap / .var file.
> Any hints?

How about fine tuning of mod_rewrite or to write a simple


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