At first look, it makes sense -- '1st while' is dealing with the scalar reference, '2nd while' is reading it into a hash

but then i notice that there are 3 oranges, and 1 lemon

now i feel a few pieces short of a fruit salad.

(drum roll, please)

sorry, i didn't have my morning espressos today.

this makes no sense to me, as neither seem to be working

whenever i end up in something like this, i make extensive use of Data::Dumper, and trace the hell out of my data structures to figure out how their internal structure

also, as a note, i created my own cookie class -- well actually not a class, but a couple of functions that probably should have been a class. it lets me define how i want to handle cookies, then dispatches the incoming cookie data to the right class and functions. i did it to easily switch between the bake and headers out stuff. its not all too messy, and i can switch stuff in one place to redefine all my cookies (as all my cookie functions exist as building a data hash and dispatching it to this central cookie cutter.

On Apr 21, 2005, at 3:14 PM, ted wrote:
my $h = $r->err_headers_out();
warn "1st while ...\n";
while (my($k, $v) = each %$h) { warn "k = $k    v = $v\n"; }

my %h = $r->err_headers_out();
warn "2nd while ...\n";
while (my($k, $v) = each %h) { warn "k = $k    v = $v\n"; }


1st while ...
k = Set-Cookie    v = oranges=1; path=/
k = Set-Cookie    v = oranges=1; path=/
k = Set-Cookie    v = oranges=1; path=/
2nd while ...
k = Set-Cookie    v = lemons=1; path=/

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