I believe thats up to you whether or not you split them.
The same module Apache::Authfoo can support both MP1 and MP2 RC5 and higher.
Infact, the only version of MP2 modules should support going forward is MP2 RC5+ (until
the official 2.0 release when the API should "be locked" for the 2.x series.
Check out CGI.pm 3.08 to see how Geoff did this.

From my understanding of CGI 3.08, the mod_perl(1 or 2) module needs to have been loaded already for the environment variables to be accessible. (Before loading either Apache:: or Apache2::). The technique that we used to port AuthenNTLM was to 'use mod_perl ;', then grab the VERSION and load the correct Apache:: modules. It seems like we would need to create a kludge to load either mod_perl or mod_perl2... This seems to tell me that I should just split the module(s) up, and apply for new namespaces.

Am I reading this correctly?


Shannon Eric Peevey
President - EriKin Corporation
(940) 391-6777

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