hi stas,

although i'm relatively new to its use, /perl-status seems to behave w/
no obvious errors (so far).

if there's any info i can provide that may be helpful, pls let me know.

You need to enable: the terse feature and then follow: Loaded Modules -> Apache::Const -> Apache::Const::OK -> Syntax Tree Dump (execution order) Did you do that? The config I've used was:

<Location /status/perl>
     PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
     PerlSetVar StatusDumper On
     PerlSetVar StatusPeek On
     PerlSetVar StatusLexInfo On
     PerlSetVar StatusDeparse On
     PerlSetVar StatusDeparseOptions "-p -sC"
     PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
     PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
     PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On
     SetHandler modperl
     PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status

the devil, apparently, IS in the details ... =)

i mod'd my httpd.conf as above, and followed the sequence, and -- sure nuf:

   Syntax Tree Dump (execution) for Apache2::Const::OK

   The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
   to complete your request.

   More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

     Apache/2.1.5-dev (Unix) DAV/2 SVN/1.2.0-rc2 mod_perl/1.999.23-dev
   Perl/v5.8.6 Port 80

w/ the following in the apachelog ...

[Mon May 02 10:12:02 2005] [error] [client] err: coderef has no START\n, referer: http://localhost/perl-status/Apache2::Const::OK/FUNCTION?cv_dump

fwiw, setting any/all of:

     PerlSetVar StatusTerse Off
     PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize Off
     PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary Off

has, seemingly, no effect on the error ...



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