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If you have installed Apach2::Request or you don't need CGI.pm any more.
You are also failing to tell us what mp2 and apache2 you are running so
everything I can do is guessing. Maybe you did that in the thread you
are referencing but I have no time to search the archives. If you follow
up the another thread you started please reply to this thread and then
our mail-agents can deal with it, else provide a link to a mail-archive.

I think that you're biten by the fact that you are running the latest
and greatest CGI.pm and a mp2 version prior to mp2 RC5 and those can not
work with each other.


Tom Schindl schrieb:
| Hi,
| use Apache2::Request aka libapreq2 if possible.
| Tom
| Igor Chudov schrieb:
| | A followup to my earlier post with this error:
| |
| | Can't locate object method "read" via package
| | "Apache2::RequestRec" at (eval 26) line 6, <CONFIG>
| | line 522.\n, referer:
| | http://dsl.algebra.com/algebra/homework/word/numbers/04-num.wpm
| |
| | The error happens when the latest CGI.pm version tries
| | to call "read" on Apache2::RequestRec, when the method
| | is POST.
| |
| | I had the same thing happen inside another custom
| | Handler of mine, and had to change POST to GET. I
| | would rather get to the bottom of the problem, I do
| | not like long GET urls.
| |
| | Any thoughts?
| |
| | - Igor
| |
| |
| |
| |
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