On 4 Jun 2005, at 22:45, Anonymous Lion wrote:

Forgive my ignorance, I thought you had to have mod-perl installed and
running to run perl cgi scripts. Can you point me in the direction of
a comparison of the two? (I am very much a newbie to Apache, Perl, and
programming in general. At this point, I'm really just trying to learn
perl in a web environment, and am feeling very much over my head in
Apache, and the Terminal for that matter.)

Get hold of a copy of CGI Programming With Perl (O'Reilly). It's quite old now and outdated in a lot of ways, but there's still a lot of good stuff in there. Once you've got through that, bring yourself up to date a bit by looking at modules such as Class::DBI, Template Toolkit and CGI::Application.


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