I can duplicate it with the following simple example:

-- mod_perl.conf

PerlRequire conf/startup.pl

<Location /loc >
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler MyHandler

-- startup.pl

use SomeDir::MyPackage;

-- /path/to/SomeDir/MyPackage.pm

package SomePackage;

sub foo { return 1; }


-- /path/to/MyHandler.pm

require AnotherPackage;

-- /path/to/SomeDir/AnotherPackage.pm

package AnotherPackage;

use SomePackage;



The end result is that %INC has entries:

   SomeDir/MyPackage.pm => /path/to/SomeDir/MyPackage.pm,
   MyPackage.pm => /path/to/SomeDir/MyPackage.pm

and my log file has

    Subroutine foo redefined at /path/to/SomeDir/SomePackage.pm line 3

I think this is my scenario.

I'm using v5.8.1-RC3 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level, locally
v5.8.0 built for i386-linux-thread-multi, on my external server.

If one was set up as DSO and the other mod_perl wasn't would that
make a huge difference in the way modules would run?


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