Thanks for the attachment. What i still don't
understand though is that when i create the cookie
using APR::Request::Cookie->new(...) how do i bake it
or in other words, how do i send it?

I guess i can use the cookie_class() to set the class
to Apache2::Cookie and then bake it, but again use of
Apache2::Cookie is not recommended right?

Am i even approaching this in the right direction?

Thanks again.

Gokul P. Nair

--- "Philip M. Gollucci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gokul P. Nair wrote:
> >I'm confused as to which is the best way to go
> about
> >setting and retrieving cookies.
> >
> >Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> >  
> >
> perldoc APR::Request::Cookie
> Its supposed to be available
> but the doc generated had issues when 2.05-dev was
> uploaded.
> I'll try to look at fixing that sometime tonight. 
> The perldco page 
> should be pretty good though.
> I've attached the APR/Request/
> -- 
> END 
>     What doesn't kill us can only make us stronger.
>                Nothing is impossible.
> Philip M. Gollucci ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> 301.254.5198
> Consultant /
> Senior Developer / Liquidity Services, Inc.
> > # 
> # /*
> #  * *********** WARNING **************
> #  * This file generated by My::WrapXS/2.05-dev
> #  * Any changes made here will be lost
> #  * ***********************************
> #  * 1.
> #  * 2.
> #  * 3. Makefile.PL:146
> #  */
> # 
> package APR::Request::Cookie;
> require DynaLoader ;
> use strict;
> use warnings FATAL => 'all';
> use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA} ;
> push @ISA, 'DynaLoader' ;
> $VERSION = '2.05-dev';
> bootstrap APR::Request::Cookie $VERSION ;
> use APR::Request;
> sub new {
>     my ($class, $pool, %attrs) = @_;
>     my $name  = delete $attrs{name};
>     my $value = delete $attrs{value};
>     $name     = delete $attrs{-name}  unless defined
> $name;
>     $value    = delete $attrs{-value} unless defined
> $value;
>     return unless defined $name and defined $value;
>     my $cookie = $class->make($pool, $name,
> $class->freeze($value));
>     while(my ($k, $v) = each %attrs) {
>         $k =~ s/^-//;
>         $cookie->$k($v);
>     }
>     return $cookie;
> }
> sub freeze { return $_[1] }
> sub thaw { return shift->value }
> 1;
> __END__

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