I noticed two problems (possibly just documentation issues?) when playing with PerlOptions +Parent and virtual hosts:

PerlSwitches -Mlib and -I were completely ignored within the VirtualHost tags

And more importantly...

I have 3 virtual hosts (not NameVirtualHosts, but separate IPs), A, B and C, each with their own set of modules and I want to keep their namespaces completely separate. Naturally, within each VirtualHost directive I included "PerlOptions +Parent" and then PerlPostConfigRequire'd a startup.pl for each one (and of course the startup.pl for each one had a different "use lib" line, since I couldn't use the options from problem #1 above) I ran a quick MP program on each vhost to dump @INC, and each vhost reported the exact same @INC...in addition to the usual directories, all three had the lib directory for all three sites.

Conclusion: PerlOptions +Parent wasn't doing anything. i.e. the first vhost (A) executed its startup.pl, which added A's lib directory to @INC, then B added its lib to the same @INC, then C did the same.

I managed to fix this by adding a PerlOptions +Parent line above/outside all of the vhosts (generic location in httpd.conf)

Is this normal? Should this perhaps be documented, or is it, and I just misunderstood the mp2 config guide?

This is perl 5.8.5, mod_perl 2.0.0 and httpd 2.0.52 (all are stock RHEL4 ES except MP which I built myself)

Thoughts? I'm happy to do more testing (like experimenting with NameVirtualHost vhosts instead, +Clone instead of +Parent, etc...) if that would be useful, but for now it's late.


-Adam Batkin

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