Thanks for the response Perrin. 

Unrelated, I was just reviewing your slides from MVC presentation I
missed at YAPC. I would have liked to met you there. I did get to met
Michael Peters, another fine representative of your firm.  

On 2005-07-06, Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 18:11 +0000, Mark Stosberg wrote:
>> On the front end web server machine, the CPU spiked up well beyond
>> average and stayed there. On the backend PostgreSQL 7.4 server, we saw
>> a number or errors that that the number of max connections had been
>> exceeded.
> The CPU spike sounds a bit unusual, but there are ways it could result
> from failing to connect to your db.  Was it really CPU that spiked, or
> just load?  The load can spike in this case because the server spawns
> too many processes.  Make sure your MaxClients is tuned to something you
> can actually support.

Thanks for the suggestion. I see we had it at 250, while our other front
end server had 180. The database server has a maximum of 400
connections, so it makes sense that our total count of Apache processes
should be less than that. 

>> I'm curious: What is the expected behavior from Apache::DBI in this
>> case? Would it quickly give up and move on, or perhaps continuously ping
>> the database server and wait, creating a high CPU load in the Perl
>> process?
> Apache::DBI doesn't change the behavior of your app in this case.  It
> will either fail to make a new connection or fail to ping at the
> beginning of a request.  Either way, you'll get no db handle back, and
> if you have RaiseError on you should see an exception.  Maybe your code
> for handling that exception is not well-behaved?  It should probably
> just send an error page and get out.

I think that part of the code was working well. We can see that our
custom "Technical Failure" page was being returned quickly in such

We are also investigating if the Cache::FileCache caching we are doing
may have played a part, but we haven't found any strong evidence to
support that angle so far. 

Oddly, I tried using Apache::DProf, but the Perl processes we noticed
that were using the CPU never produced the debugging output. Many other
perl processes did. 

We'll keep tuning and see what we can find. If we find a smoking gun,
I'll be happy to share the results with the list. 



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