I got numerous entries as following in the log. 

I have read mailing archives regarding this topic. To sum it up, it's
as follows. The server I set up is not a production server and there
are not many users. I do not understand why I have "connection reset by
peer" message since the server's CPU and message is still 95% idle. I
have followed standard instruction to configure "httpd.conf".  The
entries show up only when "https" is used. Can I rule out anything
wrong with "Apache", "mod_perl" and "OpenSSL" but blame on ISP/Network
Connection? Thank you for your help. (Server Version: Apache/1.3.33
(Unix) mod_perl/1.29 mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7f)

1) "That message happens when the client breaks the connection while
your script is trying to write to the client. " 

2) "client disconnect from you server"

3) "It may be worth noting
that I've so far only seen this behavior on SSL connections..."

4) "do not set LogLevel as 'info' and the entries will be gone" - even
though I can not see it any more but it happened. I wonder why it
happens because sometimes I got "page can not displayed" message when I
try to access the web page with "https" from IE 6 browser. 

[Tue Jul  5 09:18:47 2005] [info] [client XX.XX.XX.XX] (32)Broken pipe:
client stopped connection before rwrite completed

[Tue Jul  5 09:18:47 2005] [debug] Apache.c(364): (32)Broken pipe:
mod_perl: rwrite returned -1 (fd=5, B_EOUT=8)\n

[Tue Jul  5 09:54:18 2005] [info] [client XX.XX.XX.XX] (104)Connection
reset by peer: client stopped connection before rwrite completed

[Tue Jul  5 09:54:18 2005] [debug] Apache.c(364): (104)Connection reset
by peer: mod_perl: rwrite returned -1 (fd=5, B_EOUT=8)\n

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