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Just to close this thread a give a solution to users running into the
same problem:

What was the problem:
- ---------------------
Because one of the entries in the INC-Path was
"/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/mach/Bundle" at a very early
position. Every call "use DBI". Resulted in loading of Bundle::DBI, so
it seemed that the DBI was loaded approriately which was not the case =>
hence e.g. $DBI::VERSION didn't return anything because we loaded

The solution:
- -------------
Having noticed that Niklas and I search where this really nasty
path-setting was coming from and found the culprit in /etc/profile.
Removing the value from there resolved the problem.

So if one of the free-bsd maintainers is reading this list it would be
nice if:
a) /etc/profile is patched and PERL5LIB is removed or set to a
meaningful value which doesn't hurt anyone.
b) before starting apache resetting the PERL5LIB


Tom Schindl schrieb:
> Tom Schindl schrieb:
>>>Niklas Saers schrieb:
>>>>>Forgot to post to the list. A little thing I forgot in the private
>>>>>Loaded Libs: 
>>>What's in:
>>>I'm not sure but I have the feeling that this should not be part of the
>>>lib-path because e.g. on my station this wouldn't work either because
>>>there is a Bundle::DBI and when typing use DBI it will be loaded instead
>>>of the real DBI.
>>>You seem to modify the INC-Path somewhere adding e.g.
>>>/my/include/modperl, ...
>>>please post the output of your "perl -V".
> Could you please remove all PerlModule directives from you httpd.conf.
> They are not needed any more. At least Apache2 modifies the @INC and
> maybe things go wrong there now that we have shifted really to
> Apache2::-Namespace.
> Tom
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