Hey Dudes

I was using AxKit on Apache1 and I am now using Apache2 mod_perl2 and mod-xsl2. Although I am helping look at AxKit for mod_perl2, I am mostly concentrating on generating XML content from mod_perl2.

So... I have the following scenario.

* Apache2 provider to generate some XML
* mod-xsl2 XSL to translate

So... finally to my question.

* Is there any current Apache2 modules that take files to generate XML, so that I can use them as a template and produce them the same way. * Is there any existing standard way to generate XML for a Directory (obviously easy to do from an Apache2 module but I didn't want to reproduce the wheel) * What should be the name space for these Apache2 content generators (an example of one is one that I have to generate vCal/ics files to XML form for processing).


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