On Tuesday 12 July 2005 06:23 am, Erik Scholtz wrote:

> I have two vhosts, each running with a different project. Both projects
> are using a "config.pm", located directly in the cgi-bin directory.
> Now it happens, that the project1 uses the config.pm of project2 and
> vice versa.
> I have no idea, why this happens. Anyone of you a hint for me?

Sure. The problem is that modperl is persistant by design.
So what you get is:
        server child 1 responds to project1 request, loads config.pm from 
        server child 2 responds to project2 request, loads config.pm from 
        server child 1 responds to project2 request, already has config.pm from 
project1 loaded, uses that. ("use config" isn't 
        server child 2 responds to project1 request, already has config.pm from 
project2 loaded, uses that.
You need to namespace the configs, (eg. Project1::Config) and make sure that 
what they export doesn't overlap.

The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three
elements: energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest.
- G'kar, Babylon 5

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