Bengt-Arne Fjellner wrote:
> Background my apche is not installed exactly as standard.
> because of that my moduls should be /usr/lib/apache which apxs nows. 
> gets installed in the right place but the text that tells where it is is wrong

I applied a different version of your patch but then pulled it out -
LIBEXECDIR is always absolute, while LoadModule is idiomatically relative.

instead, I made the message a bit more clear:

  [warning] mod_perl dso library will be built as
  [warning] You'll need to add the following to httpd.conf:
  [warning]   LoadModule perl_module modules/
  [warning] depending on your build, mod_perl might not live in
  [warning] the modules/ directory - check the results of
  [warning]   $ /apache/2.0.54/prefork/perl-5.8.7/bin/apxs -q LIBEXECDIR
  [warning] and adjust the LoadModule directive accordingly.

but thanks for taking the time to both point out the problem and submit a
patch :)  in the future, send patchs to instead so they
are sure to get looked at promptly... or at least not lost :)


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