Javier Alonso Sánchez wrote:
Hi all.

I'm fighting hard with Apache2 filters  + mod_perl, and I have some
doubts to ask you:

I want to analyze a POST request to my Apache2 server, analyze it, and
change the headers to redirect the POST to another uri, depending on
the content (body of the POST).

As I need body+headers, I'm using a Input Connection Filter.

The main problem is how to stop the buckets brigades. It's easy to
analyze the body, but when I process it, the brigades with headers
have just passed to the next filter (or the core).

In order to "stop" the previous brigades, I read all the brigades
using a loop which knows when the body finishes, reading
Content-Length header. As I use Connection Filter, and there isn't
EOS, it is the unique way to know WHEN the filter must stop getting
brigades .... Are there any way else to know it ??

It's very tricky, as Apache doesn't give you any indication of that event. I've solved this in a hacky way. which is explained here:
and is used in http://search.cpan.org/dist/Apache-Filter-HTTPHeadersFixup/

Is there another way to modify the header of a request once processed
the body content?

I think you are much better off not to use a filter here. Use Apache::Request which can give the same POST body more than once. So I'd write a trans hander, which grabs the body, rewrites the headers based on the body and the content handler can still get the body (this is only available in libapreq2)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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