Badai Aqrandista wrote:
Yes, I'm aware of that. The problem is that the database structure is a reminiscent of the old version, which creates one database per client. It used to be only 40 clients and one web server. Now we have 300+ clients (=300+ databases) and 2 web servers. I always get 'Too many connections' error when I test the application with more than 100 concurrent request. Any other ideas?

If you can use Apache::Session::Memcached, why can't you use Apache::Session::MySQL with a common database login? That will mean one connection per apache process. You can also raise the connection limit on your database server if it isn't dying under the load.

Now, This is the top 5 output of 'dprofpp tmon.out' before data is cached:

You should run dprofpp with the -r flag. This output doesn't even show the database work in the top 5, and that is normally the top area where time gets spent. I also suspect that you didn't initialize the debugger before compiling your code, since none of your code appears in this output. Params::Validate::_validate is very fast and wouldn't be showing up this high if the rest of your code was getting profiled.

- Perrin

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