> I call it like this:
>    use SOAP::Lite +trace => [qw(all)];
>    my $soap = SOAP::Lite->uri('http://<my server>/Demo');
>    my $proxy = $soap->proxy('http://<my server>/steve/rpc/');
>    my $obj = $proxy->hi();
>    print $obj->result;


  my $soap = SOAP::Lite
    ->uri('http://<my server>/Demo')
    ->proxy('http://<my server>/steve/rpc/')
    ->on_fault(sub { my ($soap, $res) = @_;
                      die ref $res ?
                        $res->faultdetail :
                        $soap->transport->status, "\n"

that should help you with tracing errors.  also, it's been a while since
I've played around with SOAP::Lite, but IIRC unless you used +autodispatch
your call ought to look like

  my $obj = $soap->call('hi');
  print $obj->result;



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