I did get the script I have been working with to run once... well twice... then I restarted the httpd server and bam... no go again. It worked after I ran the following:

perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->install(CPAN::Shell->r)'

Still works from the command line and not from Apache::Registry::handler (mod_perl?)

Issue is still Apache.pm missing. When I 'updatedb' and then 'locate Apache.pm' I get the following:


Is there any way to update my perl 5.8.0 to 5.8.7 using CPAN or other automated processes? While running the auto-update using CPAN, it complained that I should just update to 5.8.7... for many of the updates I was doing already were included in that release. Thanks in advance. I apologize I am using this list to speak my mind. My brain goes numb after searching the web and lists for so long.


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