On Aug 19, 2005, at 4:10 PM, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

I believe what you are seeing is a known bug in the Apache 1.3.x/mp1 series.

I don't think its your code.

I believe google searches will yeild this; I know I've seen it before.

I've found a lot of people mentioning similar errors when I search via google.
I haven't found out whether it's something that's a real concern or not.
Nor mention of a specific bug.

How can I find a list of known bugs?
I seem to be having two, probably from the same thing, but
appearing different on each platform.

On OSX 10.3.9:
perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 1 RC3)
mod_perl 1.26 / apache 1.3.33

In error_log as:
[warn] child process 1354 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
for each child process then finally:
[notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
regardless of whether it's a restart or stop command

On External Linux 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL:
perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0)
mod_perl 1.26 / apache 1.3.33

In the error_log as:
null: Attempt to free unreferenced scalar.
It's setup on a cron job to restart at a regular interval during development.
It gets a whole mess of the errors, 5 child processes worth.

I think they might go away with warnings off right?  Either way it makes
me wonder what I should do about it?


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