First upgrade to mod_perl2. Throw away the beta code
(1.99_16). Install Apache2 and mod_perl2 fresh. The
installation documents on mod_perl site are very
Then, report back if the problem persists.

--- ravikumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
>         i have installed Apache-2.0.54 and
> mod_perl-1.99_16 ,Apache::ASM 
> in my system .but whenever i opened the webpage it's
> showing "internal 
> server error " .
> in log file contains error like this: "Can't locate
> object method 
> "request" via package "Apache2::RequestUtil" at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line
> 165.\n."
> i have tried lot of time ,unluckily it's showing the same
> error .plz 
> telll me the solution
> thanks in advance...
> regards
> ravikumar kandasamy.
> srishti software.

  - Praveen  

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