On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 14:07 -0700, Praveen Ray wrote:
> use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);

Better to use the Benchmark module for this.  It looks like you only run
each one once.  A few hundred iterations would give more stable results.

> sub render_tt2
> {
>     my ($data) = @_;
>     my $o_tt2 = Template->new({
>                                 ABSOLUTE => 1,
>                               });
>     my $templ = _read_chunk('tt_template');
>     my $filename =  tmpnam();
>     open (F, ">$filename");
>     print F $templ;
>     close F;
>     my $str;
>     $o_tt2->process($filename,{data => $data},\$str);
>     # need to process twice since first one would  not use
> cached template

You could do the first one in a build_ sub, like you did for

- Perrin

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