Last time I tried to do a mod_perl 2 install on my OS X box was met with abysmal failure on my part. I ended up having to reinstall my whole box, what a nightmare.

I've been lurking on this mailing list since then, and I've learned so much.
Now, I find myself aching to get rolling with mod_perl 2.  Unfortunately
Mac OS X installs apache 1.33 as default and doesn't give the source.
Even though it says on cpan that mod_perl is still not to be used in a production
environment it would seem as though it's used all over that way.

So I guess I have two questions really:

1st Does anyone know of a step by step approach to getting apache2/mp2
installed on OS X 10.3.9 that's not going to ruin my current installs?

2nd Is it even a good idea now, or should I let others do it first, iron out the issues
then wait for an official darwin release?

Any help would be much appreciated, including redirecting me to the appropriate list
if this isn't it.

Boysenberry | |

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