On Wed, 14 Sep 2005, Perrin Harkins wrote:

enough to use, so you still need mod_perl or FastCGI.  Because the
current crop of linux distros came out before mod_perl 2 but couldn't
use mod_perl 1 (since they are using apache 2), they have poor mod_perl

That's not entirely true. Debian Sarge (stable) and Ubuntu Hoary both include packages for Apache 1.3.33 and Apache2 (2.0.54?). Sarge has a mod_perl2 package but it's based on a late 2.0RC, though it is post-rename, IIRC. Of course, there's also a mod_perl 1.2x package and there's even an apache-perl package which is Apache with a statically compiled mod_perl.


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