On Sun, 2 Oct 2005 02:20:22 +0200
"Octavian Rasnita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to configure httpd.conf in such a way that when the
> users request the / directory, that module will handle it, but if the
> users request for a static file like /style.css for example, that
> file is served?
> I have tried:
> <Location />
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlResponseHandler Foo::Bar
> </Location>
> If the dir / is requested, it is all right. If... for example /baz is
> requested, and another perl module is set to handle the requests
> to /baz, that module handles it, so it is all right in that case too,
> but if a certain static file like .css or image file are requested,
> they are not showed.

  Well the easiest way to handle this is to put your modules on
  something other than slash.  Have a redirect for / to /mymodule/, 
  and then you can put static content ( css, etc. ) into say /css/
  and all will be well. 

  The other solution is to have your handler detect that the incoming
  request is for static content and return Apache2::Const::DECLINED
  which should pass control back to the normal static file processing
  in Apache. 

  Hope this helps. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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