Foo Ji-Haw wrote:
I have this feeling that Perl is generally 'frozen' until Perl 6 comes out.

That's completely untrue. No mod_perl development is waiting for Perl6 in any way.

Publishers (O' Reilly) are
complaining that Perl is not a sellout it used to be.

Alison Randal recently mentioned in a post that sales of O'Reilly's Perl books are up.

That probably caused
the print slump as well.

There is no "slump." It takes a long time (years) and a lot of work to write a good technical book. mod_perl 2.0 came out a few months ago. If you want mod_perl 2 books, ask your favorite publishers for them. Don't expect any soon though, unless someone is already writing them.

The on-line documentation has always been the best place to look for up-to-date API reference material, and I expect it always will be. The books are more about getting the big picture and learning where to look for solutions. No book will ever keep up with the rate of change on CPAN, so it's a given that you have to supplement suggestions about modules with research of your own.

- Perrin

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