This is really off-topic, but I haven't found a good place to look into this
issue.  I have a set of pdfs on my server (2.0.54, macos 10.4.2) that I am
serving statically, some of which I can download appropriately.  However, it
appears that PDFs with images (?) do not download properly and are corrupted
and only partially downloaded.  Googling produces some hits, but the problem
still seems elusive.  Any ideas, or direct me to the appropriate forum (I
tried comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix to no avail) if possible.  These
worked fine under Apache1.3.

Thanks for any insight.

These work:

These don't:

File sizes (bytes):
364309 Apr 19 16:32 BairdSUPPLEMENT1.pdf
294707 Apr 19 16:32 Table A_AllTumor_GeneList.pdf

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