On 10/15/05, Risanecek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> trying to do my vhosts configurations with perl. No luck so far:
> config: Apache 2.0.54, mod_perl 2.0.1, perl 5.8.7
> a simple
> <Perl>
> $aha = 'var';
> </Perl>
> throws this error when trying to start Apache2
> Syntax error on line 2 of /opt/apache2/conf/vhosts.d/vhostraw.conf:
> $parms->add_config() has failed: Invalid command 'aha', perhaps
> mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server
> configuration at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i586-linux-thread-multi/Apache2/PerlSections.pm
> line 203.\n
> HowTo?

Global variables are translated directly into Apache directives. So
your config is the same as

aha  var

Declare it as a lexical instead:

my $aha = 'var';


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