I think the only conclusive answer is to try both and benchmark
them...  there may be some generalizations one can make about memory,
hook/subroutine invocation overhead, etc., but ultimately you need to
test both methods to see which is faster.  And please share your
findings if you decide to do this!


On 10/20/05, eps com estem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Before this function i was not worrying about the possibility to have broken 
> tags in this
> handler. I say this because perhaps it is me, but i think to observe that now 
> the output
> is appreciably slower.
> What's your opinion about to create a big bucket? As i understand, buckets 
> were indeed
> created to manage small pieces of info. I am doing the against. Is it very 
> inefficient? Do
> you suggest me to work on a streaming-approach?

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