Try looking at the url that your handler is called with.  It's likely that since you have a directory with that name and presumably 'index.html' in that directory then mod_dir performs an internal redirect with 'index.html ' appended to the url.

On 11/1/05, Martin Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had a quick look at this and found both my requests
to /logout/ and /logout2/ typed into the browser
manually, continue to result in the same issue..

Here's the rewrite rules I have on my https proxy that
each request comes through..

RewriteRule ^/logout/(.*)$
http://${farm:map_pf}/logout/$1 [P,L]
RewriteRule ^/logout2/(.*)$
http://${farm:map_pf}/logout2/$1 [P,L]

I also ammended both locations to use
/logout/ and /logout2/

And I still get the same issue...(so as far as I'm
aware no further internal translation is made..)

--- Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> > Why is is_initial_req consistently 0 for logout
> and
> > consistently 1 for logout2...
> besides the existing conversation, you need to
> remember what is_initial_req
> means - it means that this is the request as it came
> straight from the
> browser and wasn't redirected at all.  if apache
> made an internal redirect
> from /logout to /logout/ that would make
> is_initial_req false.
> so, try playing around with trailing slashes and
> making sure that your
> requests are in fact equivalent (that you're not
> asking for /logout one time
> and /logout/index.html the next, for example).
> --Geoff

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