We are having a strange problem with our PHP sites and I was wondering
of someone has any pointers to offer.
We are running apache 2.0.55 with mod_perl 2.0.1 and php 4.3.3 and
mod_ssl 2.0.55 on  a Sun Solaris machine.  Every now and then, when
click on a URL that is a php script, instead of the file executing, a
File Download panel opens and it asks if you want to  save it to your
computer.  It is as if it does not recognize that it is a php file.
Sometimes it actually displays the code of the file. The really
thing is that it appears to happen randomly.  That is, some times the
same link  works perfectly well and the links open properky.  But
sometimes, it asks if you want to save the file. If you click on
and then click on the link again, it usually opens properly.
Someone told me that there are problems for mod perl and php and
mod_ssl to live together.  Most of our site is in perl so I am not
to give up the mod_perl abilities but there are a few people who
on PHP and I'd like that to be able to work properly as well. Does
anyone have any information on this and is there anything I can do so
that everything works?

Thanks for any help.

Malka Cymbalista
Webmaster, Weizmann Institute of Science

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