I'm getting an undefined value from the code below:

$CGI::POST_MAX = 100 * 1_048_576; # 100 MB

my $cgi = new CGI;

print "Size: $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}";

my $cgi_file = $cgi->param( "uploaded_file" ) || print "Error Upload Failed No File Recieved...";
my $fh = $cgi->upload( $cgi_file ) || print "Error Upload Failed No File Handle Created For $cgi_file...";

When I upload an image called image.jpg I get the following printed out:

Size: 3012
Error Upload Failed No File Handle Created For images.jpg...

It seems like it sees the file, just can't make a file handle for it. Anyone know what I'm doing
wrong, or how to find out how to get it to work?


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