has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/Embperl-2.1.0.tar.gz
  size: 648356 bytes
   md5: dd629a7a53f2eee8c7b71d73175f22da

This release adds UTF-8 support and Embperl::Inline, a module to inlcude
Embperl code in normal Perl modules, along with some minor enhancements and
bufg fixes.


Embperl is a system for building dynamic websites with Perl.

It gives you the power to embed Perl code in your HTML/XML documents and the
ability to build your Web site out of small reusable objects in an
object-oriented style. 

Embperl has several features which are especially useful for creating
Websites, including dynamic tables, form field processing, URL
escaping/unescaping, session handling, caching, xslt transformation and

See (english) or
(german) for more information.



Changes since 2.0.1:

    - Added better UTF-8 support:

          - Output escaping now takes Perl's UTF-8 flags into
          account and will not escape UTF-8 chars anymore

        - Diretive Embperl_Output_Esc_Charset allows to
          generaly switch between Latin1, Latin2 and UTF-8.
          (For UTF-8 this is not necessary when Perl's UTF-8
           Flag is correctly set, but this is not the case
           for all datasources)

        - Form data that is send to Embperl and put into %fdat
          get now Perl's internal UTF8 flags set, in case
          the data posted contains a valid UTF8 string.
          This can be disabled with the option

    - Added Module Embperl::Inline, which allows to embed
      Embperl code in an ordinary Perl module. This makes
      is easy to install system wide libraries, which need
      to contain Embperl code/markup. See perldoc Embperl::Inline

    - [$ sub $] now can takes arguments and inital code like:
        [$ sub foo ($self, $a, $b)  my $c = $self -> {bar} $] 

    - Embperl subroutines are now called in array context, to
      allow to return multiple return values.

    - Added validate type TimeValue, which is a numeric value
      followed by s, m, h, d or w.

    - Added validate type PosInteger, which is a positiv integer

    - Added Support for calling Embperl::Object::Execute inside
      an Embperl page. (Allow to nest new requests)      

    - Corrected HTML/XML escaping inside from <textarea> tags.

    - Fixed Segfault that could occur when a Embperl sub does
      not contain anything.

    - Fixed compile problem with timezone on BSD systems

    - Fixed URLs in website to work correctly on static mirrors

    - Embperl development has been moved from CVS to SVN. 
      See SVN.pod .

Gerald Richter            ecos electronic communication services gmbh
IT-Securitylösungen * Webapplikationen mit Apache/Perl/mod_perl/Embperl

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5          D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice:   +49 6133 939-122
WWW:      Fax:     +49 6133 939-333
ECOS BB-5000 Firewall- und IT-Security Appliance:


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