I'd like to write a handler that would serve big files out of a local cache but proxy everything else through to another server. The situation is that there is an extranet in the US, but a lot of folks in New Zealand need access to the file downloads. I don't want to replicate the whole installation in NZ, but instead, give them a seperate server with mod_proxy set up so that when they request most pages it proxies them through from the main server, but when they ask for a really big file in the /uploads path that it can pull it out of local cache.

Here's what I have so far:

package CacheHandler;

use Apache2::Request;
use Apache2::Const;

sub handler {
        my $r = shift;
        if ($r->uri =~ m/^\/uploads/) {
                my $path = "/data/cache".$r->uri;
                if (-f $path) {
                   # make it serve up this local file since it exists
        return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;


And here's the virtual host I've set up:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName extranet
SSLProxyEngine on
DocumentRoot "/data/cache"
ProxyPass / https://example.com/
PerlModule CacheHandler
PerlInitHandler CacheHandler

What can I add into my handler to make it circumvent the ProxyPass directive? Or if I can't do that, how can I tell it to enable ProxyPass on any request where I don't pass those other conditions?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide in advance.

JT ~ Plain Black
ph: 703-286-2525 ext. 810
fax: 312-264-5382

I reject your reality, and substitute my own. ~ Adam Savage

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